Tutorial/Exercise 6 - Spatial prioritization with Zonation

Tutorial/Exercise 6 - Spatial prioritization with Zonation#


OBS! This exercise is from the year 2021 and for a development version of the Zonation 5 software. These instructions do not apply in the current Zonation 5 version. See the official Zonation webpages for further information.

For this week, the Exercise will be combined with the tutorial. This week, we will use the Zonation software to do the exercises. Hence, you need to install the software to your local computer before starting the tutorial/exercise. We recommend, that you do the installations already before the lecture on Monday.

Install Zonation#

Zonation 5 is available for Windows and Linux. Please follow the installation instructions

Get your copy of the Tutorial/Exercise materials#

In a similar manner as in the previous weeks, you will have your copy of the tutorial/exercise materials. Start the tutorial by accepting this GitHub Classroom: Exercise 6. After you have created your own copy of the exercise materials download / clone them to your own computer:

  • In case you have Git installed locally, you can clone the repository from terminal/command prompt using Git (git clone <URL-address>)

  • If you don’t have Git, you can download the materials directly from GitHub as a Zip file by pressing the Code button on the GitHub repository and choosing Download Zip:


Tutorial instructions#